Venue Manager
Visual identity and website design for Venue Manager, a system developed specifically to handle tickets sales, passes, sponsors, merchandise and more for sports club, festivals and concert venues.
Client: Combine / Role: Design / Year: 2017

Alternative logo
I knew the logo was also going to be used in a future app so I decided to design an alternative version more suited as an icon on a mobile screen. Also this version would come in handy for the mobile version of the website.

Colors & fonts

Images style
A duo-tone’ish image effect was introduced to make the overall identity a bit more unique

Letterhead & business card

Playing off the two-piece layered design of the logo so does the website incorporate this feeling with the header split in two and slightly moved apart. This is the proposed design, not the final one in use.

Created with ♡ by Kenneth Runge aka Pixelmuse.
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